Voice Disorders and Voice Therapy

What is a "normal" voice?

 A "normal" voice sounds appropriate in pitch, loudness, resonance and quality for communication is a wide variety of settings.

What is a voice disorder?

Voice disorders are characterized by interruptions in pitch, loudness, quality or resonance that interfere with communication. Voice problems may be accompanied by pain, discomfort or fatigue when speaking or singing.

What are the causes of voice disorders?

There are many causes of voice disorders. Several problems are temporary and can be traced to incidents of vocal misuse. Others are related to medical conditions or improper breathing that can only be diagnosed by a physician.

What problems are frequently associated with voice disorders?

  • Swelling of the vocal cords

  • Small growths (i.e. vocal nodules, nodes and polyps)

  • Improper breath support for speech

  • Dis-coordination of vocal fold movement (i.e. Vocal Cord Dysfunction)

  • Neurological conditions

  • Other medical conditions

When is voice therapy beneficial?

Voice therapy is initiated after you have evaluated by a specially trained physician who has clearly identified the source of your voice problem. Based upon your medical diagnosis, the physician will determine whether voice therapy is an appropriate treatment for you. The physician will also determine whether therapy will be your sole treatment or will be augmented with other therapies.

What are the goals of voice therapy?

  • Improving vocal quality

  • Understanding the relationship between medical conditions and managing voice problems

  • Establishing appropriate pitch, loudness or resonance

  • Increasing efficiency of breath support

  • Improving postural support

  • Increasing appropriate contact of vocal folds during speech

  • Analyzing and changing patterns of vocal fold misuse

How much voice therapy is needed?

The amount of therapy is based on your physician's findings and your initial evaluation results. Your progress will be reported to your physician on a regular basis, and the course of therapy will be determined through ongoing consultation and follow-up with your physician.

Who specializes in voice therapy?

Speech-language pathologists offer expertise in evaluation and treatment of a variety of voice disorders. CTSPS, Inc. has therapists trained in specialized techniques including Lessac Madsen Resonant Voice therapy and Casper-Based Confidential Flow Therapy.

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