Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
What is PECS?
The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is an augmentative/alternative communication intervention designed to teach basic communication skills to individuals with extremely limited functional verbal skills. PECS was created for use by families, educators and caregivers so that the child can communicate in a variety of settings. PECS enables a child to request, comment and answer questions with the use of pictures. The PECS system advances the individual though six increasingly complex phases of communication. In many cases, PECS is a gateway to verbal communication.
Who is appropriate for PECS?
PECS was originally designed primarily for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and severe developmental disabilities. However, PECS is appropriate for any individual who is non-verbal or has significant expressive language deficits that interfere with the communication of basic wants and needs.
Who is qualified to implement PECS?
Effective implementation of PECS requires specialized training and certification in use of the system. Speech-language pathologists who are PECS certified bring a holistic knowledge of language disorders alongside their PECS training to provide skilled intervention and implementation of the PECS system. CTSPS is fortunate to employ multiple speech-language pathologists who can provide therapy with the use of PECS at both our north and south offices.
How do I get started with PECS?
Contact CTSPS for an initial evaluation to determine if your child might benefit from PECS or an alternate therapy approach to improve communication.
For more information:
Visit www.pecsusa.com.